Cut by Sylvia Plath

“Cut” by Sylvia Plath is a poem about accidently cutting your thumb or in this case Plath cutting her own thumb? During the poem she thought it was exciting and a thrill to cut your thumb but by she turned out to be a deranged maniac because off the mood she had at the beginning and at the end.

In the Poem “cut” Plath uses a wide range of techniques which she uses to perfection. One of the techniques she uses a great use of metaphors which really made you get more involved in the story and imagining how it looked and felt like when she cut her thumb instead of the onion. A quote in the poem which represents this is “A million soldiers run, red coats everyone” which clearly represents a metaphor by stating that her blood looked like a million soldiers with red coats. Another technique she uses was similes which really gets an inside depths of what’s happening when she cuts her thumb. A quote in this poem which represents this is “A flap like a hat” which means a piece of skin as been sliced and is wiggled around.

The mood in this poem changes at the beginning and at the end of this poem. Plath first was excited and refers to cutting her thumb and i quote “what a thrill”. Which states she hasn’t cut her self often  and that she wasn’t shouting or anything but out of all things excited and kind of thrilled. But by the end of the poem she feels self hate and ashamed .To prove this, in the poem she uses these quotes “My thumb instead of an onion, what a thrill” and then she says “Trepanned veteran, dirty girl” which clearly shows that the mood has changed from the beginning by her being excited and thrilled to have cut herself but then she feels self hate cause she cut her thumb.

“Cut “ By Sylvia Plath is an effective, interesting  poem because it had so much metaphors and similes  that make you wonder what they mean , but was a bit to advance for me hence why i didn’t like it because of the words like “babushka” and “homunculus”. I had to read some parts over again and get the unusual words explained by the teacher. In the end the poem was alright apart from the words that were used in it but like how Plath used so much explanations just about her thumb.

By Delovan Saleh

 The examination of her body after death

Glen Colquhoun

This essay is about the poem “The examination of her body after death” by Glen Colquhoun. There are two language features that I’ll be explaining. The first one is negatives to show denial and the second one is metaphors to show remembering and the second is negative to show denial.

One of the language features used in the “Examination” is the use of negatives. By negatives I mean the constant use of the word “not” which shows negatives by the word “not” as a denial word. An example of this statement being shown is “you are not her face” or “you are not her thighs” which obviously states you are not those body parts which is a form of negative because of the word not. This shows that he is in denial by the use of negatives.

Another language feature that was used in the “Examination” and used heavily was metaphors to show remembering and denial. One of the metaphors in the poem is “the sound of birds has gone away” which states that she has a nice beautiful voice and had been broken or cut off like when you’re listening to music without the sound or anything. This quote helps me understand the poem because I like how the quote used a metaphor to describe her voice and that is straight forward and tells you that she’s dead.

In conclusion, this poem was very interesting and unorthodox to me but very wonderful because I love how every sentence starts and has the same repetition but some of the words in the poem were very hard to understand because this was such an unusual poem for me but all in all very smart and genius structure of the poem.


By Delovan Saleh

Tangi by Hone Tuwhare

In this poem “Tangi” by Hone Tuwhare there is a main idea and two techniques i’ll be explaining in depth. The first technique is the use of negatives and the second is the contrast between the European funeral and the tangi (Maori funeral). The main idea in this poem is how different cultures deal with death and grief.

The important or main idea in this poem is how different cultures with death and grief. These different cultures dealt with this by two different ways. The European way dealt with it by having a funeral and the Maori dealt with it by having a tangi. There two different ways which isn’t stated in the poem but you can tell  by the words used in the European funeral  like “frolics of violets and carnations” which means that there’s a lot of violets and carnations but also that u usually see these type of flowers in European funerals . the way you can tell that tangi is a Maori funeral is “the calm visual of hands”, “green leaved anguish” and “the bowed heads of old women “which states that the women are wearing green leafs around there head, their hands are against each other like while your praying and that the women are bowing there down in the funeral which happens in a tangi. As you can see Hone Tuwhare feels alone and out of place at the European funeral but at the tangi he feels welcomed, found and belonged at the tangi.

The second technique used in the “Tangi” is the use of negatives. These negatives show us that he is very disconnected and alone. Quotes that shows negatives are “nor” or “not” which was used constantly in the poem. These quotes show negatives by off course the word “nor” or “not” being simply a rejection word. The negatives tells us that he was in denial and in grief at the European funeral  and this changes by him feeling belonged, happy and found at the tangi. You can see the contrast between the two funerals by him going into a sad and denial state at the European funeral but quickly changes to a happy and belonged feeling at the tangi.

In conclusion “Tangi” by Hone Tuwhare was a good interesting poem because i like how he was showing us contrast between the two funerals and I liked how he wasn’t talking about a dead person but death itself.

By Delovan Saleh